Past Accident & Incident Reports
Nature of Occurrence | Date | Location | Operator | Brief Description | Report Title |
Accident | 04th Dec. 1974 | Maskeliya, Sri Lanka | Martinair | Aircraft collided with rising terrain as the crew descended the aircraft below safe altitude owing to incorrect identification of their position vis-a vis the airport | Report on the Accident in to Martinair DC-8, PH-MBH on 4th December 1974 at Theberton Estate, Maskeliya, SriLanka |
Accident | 15th Nov. 1978 | Vicinity of the Bandaranayake International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka | Loftleider Icelandic Airways | Collision with rising terrain caused an accident into Loftleider Icelandic | Report of Accident into Loftleider Icelandic Airways airraft DC-8-63F, TF-FLA on 15th November 1978 at Katunayake, Sri Lanka |
Incident | 17th April 1998 | Colombo TMA on ATS Route G-465 | A320 and DH-8 | Near Miss incident between Airbus A320 out bound to Maldives on the climb and DH-8 inbound to Colombo descending from flight level 230 | Final Report - ATC near miss incident on 17th April 1998 |
Accident | 24th March 2000 | Kadirana, Negombo, Sri Lanka | Skycabs(Pvt) Ltd | Accident to Sky Cabs flight AN-12 due to fuel exhaustion while attempting to land at the destination | Final report of accident into Sky Cabs AN-12 aircraft, RA-11302 on 24th March 2000 at Kadirana, Negombo, Sri Lanka |
Accident | 11th April 2001 | Bandaranayake International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka | Sri Lankan Airlines | Smoke ingestion into the cabin which resulted emergency evacuation | Final report of Emergency Evacuation on SriLankan Airlines flight UL 557, A330, 4R-ALD on 11th April 2001 at Bandaranayake International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka |
Accident | 08th Sept. 2005 | Bandaranayake International Airport,Katunayake, Sri Lanka | Saudi Arabian Airlines | Emergency evacuation after being alarmed by the bomb threat lead to an accident | Final report on Accident of Saudi Air Flight SV781, Boeing B747-368, registration HZ-AIP on 08th Sept. 2005 at Bandaranayake International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka |
Accident | 16th Oct. 2005 | Bandaranayake International Aircraft, Katunayake, Sri Lanka | Sri Lankan Airlines | Collision between maintenance platform vehicle and stepladder during disembarkation, caused a passenger to fall through the gap created | Final report on Accident of SriLankan Airlines Flight UL316 Airbus A330-243, 4R-ALA on 16th Octomber 2005 at Bandaranayake International Airport Katunayake, Sri Lanka |
Serious Incident | 02nd Dec. 2006 | Colombo Airport, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka | Aero Lanka | Aircraft overran the threshold of runway | Final report on Serious Incident of Aero Lanka flight RNL 106, HS 748 series 2B, registration 4R-SER 02nd Decemper 2006 at Colombo Airport, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka |
Incident | 01st June 2007 | Bandaranayake International Airport, Colombo | SriLankan Airlines | In the pre-departure maintenance check, while replacing deflated nose wheel tyre, the aircraft nose wheel Jack pedestal depressed into the concreted parking floor by shifting the aircraft slightly towards the right hand | Incident of Srilankan Airlines Flight UL163 A320-211, Registration 4R-ABF on 01st June 2007 at Bandaranayake International Airport, Colombo, Sri Lanka |
Incident | 05th June 2007 | Colombo Airport, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka | SriLankan Airlines | Incident due to aircraft landed on runway without extending landing gears | Final report on Incident of SriLankan Airlines flight UL 5302, DHC-3T, Registration 4R-ARB on 05th June 2007 at Colombo Airport, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka |
Serious Incident | 15th October 2007 | London Heathrow Airport, United Kingdom | SriLankan Airlines | A ground collision occurred when Airbus A340-311 attempted to pass the Boeing B 747-436 that was stationary on an adjoining taxiway, at night | Final report on Serious Incident to Boeing 747-436, Airbus A340 4R-ADC, at London Heathrow Airport on 15 October 2007. This investigation conducted & report issued by AAIB, United Kingdom |
Incident | 13th Oct. 2008 | Chennai International Airport, India | SriLankan Airlines | Aircraft port outboard wheels overran the runway edge lights at Chennai International Airport India | Final report on Incident of SriLankan Airlines flight UL121 Airbus A330, 4R-ALC on 13th October 2008 at Chennai International Airport India |
Incident | 21st February 2008 | Colombo Airport, Ratmalana | Expo Aviation | Incident of aircraft return back due to engine fire warning | Final report on Incident of Expo Aviation flight EXV 711, F-27, Registration 4R-MRA on 21st February 2008 at colombo Airport, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka |
Incident | 05th Feb 2012 | London Heathrow Airport | SriLankan Airlines | The aircraft started its takeoff from a runway intersection for which no regulated takeoff weight chart was available in the aircraft. The pilots calculated performance using a chart for a different runway which did not consider obstacles relevant to the runway in use. The takeoff and subsequent flight were completed without further incident | Final Report on SLA incident(very low T/O), A340, 4R-ADG on 05th Feb 2012 at London Heathrow Airport, United Kingdom |
Incident | 14th June 2014 | Paragasthota, Milleniya, Sri Lanka | Detachment of a wheel during flight | Final Report on Incident Millennium Airlines Pvt Ltd, Cessna 152, 4R-DJD on 14th June 2014 | |
Incident | 01st May 2015 | En-route to Colombo(Flight from Sharjah to Colombo) | Mihin Lanka | First Officer failed to enter into the flight deck due to PIC not responding to the door call bell | Incident of Mihin Lanka Flight MJ408 (SHJ-CMB), Airbus A321, bearing registration 4R-MRC on 01st May 2015 |
Incident | 08th Oct 2014 | En-route to Colombo(TRZ to CMB) | Srilankan Airlines | The flight UL 134 returned to base(TRZ) due to a technical reason | Incident of SriLankan Airlines Flight UL134, Airbus Industrie A320-200, bearing registration 4R-ABL at Tiruchirappalli International Airport, India on 08th Oct 2014 |
Accident | 29th September 1998 | Mannar, Sri Lanka | Gomelavia, operated for Lionair Ltd | The act of unlawful conduct on Lionair flight | Re-opened accident investigation report of Lion Air Flight LN 602, EW 464665 |
Serious Incident | 02nd July 2013 | Bandaranaike International Airport,Katunayake,Sri Lanka | SriLankan Airlines | On 02nd July 2013, SriLankan Airlines flight UL266, Airbus A340, registration 4R-ADA departed from RUH to CMB and touched down on VCBI runway 22 at 0215 UTC encountering a hard landing and a tail strike. | Serious Incident of SriLankan Airlines flight UL 266, A340-311, bearing registration 4R-ADA at Bandaranaike International Airport, Colombo, Sri Lanka on 02nd July 2013 |
Incident | 21st March 2019 | Changi International Airport, Singapore. | Sri Lankan Airlines | Sri Lankan Airlines aircraft Airbus A320, 4R-ABN, operated from Colombo Bandaranaike International Airport, Sri Lanka to Changi International Airport, Singapore, had veered momentarily off the right edge of the runway after landing on Runway 02L at Singapore Changi Airport | Final Report - Airbus A320, Registration 4R-ABN Damage to Runway Edge Lights on Landing - 21 March 2019 |
Incident | 23rd January 2021 | Bandaranaike International Airport,Katunayake,Sri Lanka | SriLankan Airlines | SriLankan Airlines aircraft 4R-ALP, flight UL 1430 which was scheduled to operate as a cargo flight from Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka (VCBI) to Changi International Airport, Singapore (WSSS). Just before pushback, the L1 door was opened from inside the aircraft and subsequently the slide pack fell onto the passenger step. | Final Report - Inadvertent slide deployment incident of SriLankan Airlines Flight UL1430, Airbus Industries A330-300, bearing registration 4R-ALP at parking Bay C21 at Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake on 23rd Jan 2021 |
Serious incident | 02nd Dec 2020 | at Flight level 360, in Indian air space | SriLankan Airlines | At FL 360, the aircraft had experienced NAV ADR disagree and Flight Alternate Law reversion. The ECAM actions were carried out by the flight crew. They had contacted Indian ATC to inform of their inability to maintain RVSM and to obtain weather information in Colombo and Chennai. Due to heavy rain in Colombo and the multiple failure status of the aircraft, the Pilot in Command decided to divert to Chennai International Airport (VOMM), India. | Serious Incident of SriLankan Airlines, Flight UL190, Airbus Industries A321-251, bearing registration 4R-AND from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka, Bangladesh (VGHS) to Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka (VCBI) diverted to VOMM on 02nd Dec 2020. |
Incident | 21st March 2021 | Jakarta FIR | SriLankan Airlines |
At about 03:10 UTC in cruise, AP 2 had disconnected with the master warning sounding. The aircraft, started to descend below the selected FCU altitude. A few seconds later AP 1 was engaged and the aircraft was still in a descent. Subsequently, AP 1 also disengaged and the master warning was triggered. Few seconds later AP 2 engaged. The aircraft lost altitude and descended approx. 1540ft at a rate of 5700ft/min on the VSI (Vertical Speed Indicator). Then AP2 was re-engaged in open climb mode and the aircraft commenced climb to FL 390. |
Incident of SriLankan Airlines Flight UL606, Airbus Industries A330343, bearing registration 4R-ALR from Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka to Kingsford Smith International Airport, Sydney, Australia at FL390 over Indian Ocean at coordinates -7.823044,101.449898 on 21st March 2021 |
Incident | 6th May 2022 | Oceanic Control Airspace in Colombo FIR | Qatar Airways | When passing position ELATI on route N640 (westbound) within Colombo Oceanic Control Sector, a request was made by one Qatar Airways flight, (QTR54C) which was maintaining FL 300, to climb FL340. This level request was granted and the aircraft was cleared to climb FL340, through the level of the other Qatar Airways flight (QTR34U) at FL320. The clearance for level change for QTR54C was given when there was less than the required standard separation between both aircraft. | ATC incident between Qatar Airways Flights QTR 34U, Boeing B777- 300ER, A7-BAH and QTR 54C, Boeing B777- 300, A7-BAC within Colombo Oceanic Control Area, passing position ELATI on route N640 (westbound) on 06th May 2022 |
Incident | 22nd Dec 2021 | Payagala Beach, Kaluthara | Sakurai Aviation Academy |
Piper PA 38- 112 aircraft bearing registration number 4R-ASJ, had departed approx. at 1305hrs (LT) on 22nd December 2021 for a solo training cross country navigation flight to Dondra. The flight was planned to overfly Dondra at 3500ft and to carry out “touch and go” with circuits at VCCK and VCCN and to operate within 05NM to 15NM south of VCCC and to carryout circuits. The VCCC Control Tower had cleared the flight to proceed to Dondra at 1500ft. When the aircraft was passing the “Kalu Ganga” (River), ATC control had transferred to the VCCN Tower. While maintaining cruise altitude at 1500ft, the aircraft had encountered an engine RPM drop over the southwest of VCCN and subsequently the PIC had carried out an emergency landing at Payagala beach. |
Aircraft Incident of Sakurai Aviation Academy, Piper PA 38-112 Tomahawk, bearing registration number 4R-ASJ, emergency landing at Payagala Beach, Kaluthara, Sri Lanka on 22nd December 2021 |
Accident | 27th Dec 2021 | Paththayam Watta, Kimbulapitiya Negombo Sri Lanka. |
Sakurai Aviation Ltd | 4R-GAF, Cessna 172L single-engine aircraft operated by Sakurai Aviation Ltd was scheduled to operate as a charter passenger flight on 27th Dec 2021 from VCCC-VCCS-VCCK-VCCC. The flight departed VCCC at 1115 hrs (LT) to proceed to VCCS. Two passengers boarded the aircraft at VCCS and the flight departed at 1304 hrs (LT) with a total of four onboard. During en route to VCCK, the aircraft had encountered an engine RPM fluctuation and subsequent engine failure and the aircraft had approached runway 22 at VCBI for an emergency landing. While approaching VCBI, the PIC had declared “MAYDAY” and crash landed in a paddy field at Paththayam Watta, Kimbulapitiya, Negombo at approx. 1352hrs (LT). |
Aircraft Accident of Sakurai Aviation Limited, Cessna 172L Skyhawk bearing registration mark 4R-GAF crash-landed at Paththayam Watta, Kimbulapitiya, Negombo, Sri Lanka on 27th Dec 2021bearing registration mark 4R-GAF crash-landed at Paththayam Watta, Kimbulapitiya, Negombo, Sri Lanka on 27th Dec 2021bearing registration mark 4R-GAF crash-landed at Paththayam Watta, Kimbulapitiya, Negombo, Sri Lanka on 27th Dec 2021 |
Incident | 16th Aug 2022 | Enroute from VCBI to VOMM | Sri Lankan Airlines | SriLankan Airlines flight UL127, A320, bearing registration 4R-MRE had departed from VCBI to VOMM at 1352hrs (LT) on 16th Aug 2022. At about 1505 hrs (LT), during cruise phrase near position SAGOR at 35,000ft, the aircraft had experienced an unexpected severe turbulence (3 to 4 seconds), while flying to avoid an isolated CB. As a results, 03 crew members in the AFT galley had fallen and two were injured. The PIC had requested the medical assistance at VOMM through data link to FCC Colombo. The flight had continued to the destination and landed safely. On arrival, the injured CCMs were taken to the medical Centre at VOMM for necessary treatments. Subsequently, after medical assessments and treatments, the same cabin crew had operated the return flight UL 128 as per scheduled duty pattern. |
Final Report - Investigation of Sri Lankan Airlines flight UL128, 4R-MRE from VOMM to VCBI Operated with injured Cabin Crew Members on 16th Aug 2022 |
Incident | 17th Dec 2022 | Runway 31 at Seychelles International Airport (FSIA) | SriLankan Airlines | SriLankan Airlines aircraft, Airbus A320 bearing the registration 4R-ABN departed from VCBI to FSIA at 2110UTC on 16th Dec 2022. During the approach, the ATC tower of FSIA had cleared UL 707 for FSIA TILOM-1E arrival for ILS Z approach Runway 31. The weather had been prevalent throughout the final approach path, and the flight crew had fully configured the aircraft to fly through the weather on approach. On the first approach, at around 700ft just prior to minima, PF had disconnected the autopilot and continued the approach. However, the PAPI had indicated three whites and thereafter four whites which the First Officer had called out, and called “unstable go around". Subsequently, the PF had initiated the go-around. On the second approach, the ATC tower had cleared UL 707 to PETER and ILS Z31. At around 400ft the aircraft had deviated from centerline and had been corrected while the First Officer also called it out. Flight UL 707 had continued on profile till flare height. During the flare, the aircraft had drifted to the right side just prior to touchdown. The First officer had called “Go around”. As the aircraft was already touching down right of the center line, the PIC had landed the aircraft and brought the aircraft to the centerline, and stopped the aircraft on the runway. Flight UL 707, 4R-ABN had experienced a lateral runway deviation at landing after an ILS approach to runway 31 at FSIA on 17th Dec 2022. |
Incident of lateral runway deviation of SriLankan Airlines Flight UL707, Airbus Industries A320-214, bearing registration 4R-ABN during landing at Seychelles International Airport, Seychelles on 17th December 2022 |
Incident | 05th July 2023 | Final approach to Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake | SriLankan Airlines |
On 05th July 2023, SriLankan Airlines flight UL 303 arriving from Changi International Airport, Singapore (WSSS), while approaching to Runway 22 at Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka (VCBI), carried out a go-around due to wind shear condition experienced by the flight crew. Later CAASL received complaints from residents who are living around Runway 22 approach path of VCBI, claiming that, their properties were damaged |
Final Report - SriLankan Airlines Flight UL 303, Airbus Industries A330-343, bearing registration 4R-ALP Go Around due Wind Shear during final approach to Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake on 05th July 2023 |
Incident | 01st June 2023 | Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake | SriLankan Airlines |
SriLankan Airlines flight UL166 arrived from Cochin International Airport, India (VOCI) to Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake (VCBI) on 01st June 2023 at 1118 hrs (LT). A 65 years old elderly male passenger, who is an Indian national had arrived on board UL 166. During disembarkation from the L1 door, via passenger step UL11-29, he had reportedly sagged and was taken to the passenger coach. Then he was taken to the airport medical centre from parking bay B 17 accompanied by Airport Security staff and Airport Service Agent (PAX). Subsequently, the passenger was dispatched to Negombo General Hospital. The Airport Service Manager of SLA had been informed of the death of the elderly male passenger on the same day, after the passenger was admitted to the Negombo General Hospital to the Ground Handler approximately at 1215hrs (LT). |
Passenger sagged on the passenger step positioned for UL 166, bearing Aircraft Registration 4R-MRE operated by SriLankan Airlines during disembarkation at B-17, Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake on 01st June 2023 |
Incident | 01st November 2023 | Runway 22, Colombo International Airport, Ratmalana | Fly Southern (Pvt.) Ltd. | On 1st November 2023, Cessna 172N aircraft, bearing registration 4R-FSA was being operated by Fly Southern (Pvt) Ltd, took-off from Colombo International Airport, Ratmalana (RMA) for a training flight as a first solo mission of the student pilot who was the Pilot in Command (PIC) during the incident. Aircraft made a safe touchdown on runway 22 (RWY 22) and during landing roll aircraft veered off to the right side of the runway and stopped on right side grass patch of RWY 22 | Final report - Aircraft Incident - Fly southern (Pvt.) Ltd. Cessna 172N, 4R-FSA - Runway excursion at Runway 22 Colombo International Airport - Ratmalana, on 01st November 2023. |
Incident | 31st May 2023 | Over Colombo Oceanic Control Area | Emirates Airline |
On 31st May 2023, around 2000 UTC, Emirates Airline flight UAE5CL) was en-route to Dubai International Airport UAE, from Sydney International Airport Australia, on the Air Route L896, maintaining FL360, entered Colombo Flight Information Region (FIR) via the reporting point NISOK. Emirates Airline flight UAE359, which was en-route to Dubai International Airport from Jakartha Indonesia, following the same Air route L896, maintaining FL340 entered Colombo Flight Information via the reporting point NISOK around 2003UTC. At time 2021UTC, when both the aircraft were flying relative to each other maintaining minimum standard vertical separation of 2000ft, UAE359 had requested to climb to higher Level FL360, to the same Flight Level that UAE5CL, the preceding aircraft was maintaining. ATCO had granted the Flight Level requested by UAE359, cleared the aircraft to climb to FL360 deviating the minimum vertical separation standard to be existed between aircraft, when any other form of i.e lateral or Longitudinal minimum separation does not exist causing a breach of minimum standard separation between two aircraft operating under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), within a controlled airspace flying under Air traffic Control clearances. |
Incident on separation breakdown between Emirates Airline flights UAE 359 bearing aircraft registration no. A6-EGI, Boeing 77W and UAE 5CL bearing aircraft registration no. A6-EVG, Airbus 380, Over Colombo Oceanic Control Area on 31st May 2023. |
Serious Incident | 12th Feb. 2024 | During climb at about FL220, 60NM North-West of Melbourne International Airport to Bandaranayake International Airport (VCBI), Colombo, Sri Lanka | SriLankan Airlines | A strong burning smell and visible smoke in cockpit which was entering the cockpit through air conditioning ducts above the glare shield. Accordingly, the PIC switched off both air conditioning packs and halted the climb and initiated a rapid descent to FL90. | Sri Lankan Airlines Airbus A330-300, 4R-ALQ Cockpit & Cabin smoke Incident during climb from MEL to CMB at FL 220, 60kNM North-West of MEL Airport on 12th Feb 2024 |
Serious incident | 8th July 2024 | Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka (VCBI) | SriLankan Airlines | At approximately 2334 UTC (0504 Local) on 8th July 2024, an Airbus A330-200, bearing aircraft registration 4R-ALS, during its approach into Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, drifted left of Runway 22 centerline. The aircraft touched down to the left of the centerline and veered further left before being recovered. Consequently, four tyres on the left main landing gear (MLG) and four runway edge lights sustained damage. | Final Report - SriLankan Airlines Flight UL 226, Airbus A330-200, bearing registration 4R-ALS, Lateral runway excursion during landing at Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka on 08th July 2024bearing registration 4R-ALS, Lateral runway excursion during landing at Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka on 08th July 2024 |
Serious incident | 09th Jan 2024 | Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka (VCBI) | Fly Dubai | On 9th Jan 2024, Fly Dubai flight FDB1026, a scheduled flight from Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka (VCBI) to Male International Airport, Maldives (VRMM) was issued clear instructions by Colombo Approach Control to follow the Standard Instrument Departure (SID) procedure. These instructions were communicated twice. The Pilot in Command of FDB1026 confirmed receipt of these instructions by reading back the clearance to the controller. However, the aircraft subsequently failed to comply with the vertical restrictions mandated by the SID, resulting in a reduced separation from another aircraft, of SriLankan Airlines flight UL 122, which was operating under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) originated from Chennai International Airport, India (VOMM) to Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka (VCBI). | Final Report - Incident of Loss of Standard Minimum Separation between ALK122 and FDB1026 at Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka on 9th of January 2024 |
incident | 8th June 2024 |
Colombo International Airport, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka |
Asian Aviation Center (Pvt) Ltd | On June 8, 2024, a Cessna 152 aircraft, bearing registration 4R-ACV, operated by the Asian Aviation Center (an approved Training Organization), conducted a stage check at Colombo International Airport, Ratmalana with a student pilot and a Flight Instructor onboard. During the latter stage of the sortie, between approximately 13.40hrs to 14.300hrs (LT), the aircraft experienced a hard landing on Runway 22, Colombo International Airport, Ratmalana |
Aircraft Accident Information
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