செய்தி ஊட்டங்கள்

59th Asia Pacific DGCA Conference

22 அக்டோபர் 2024

The 59th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)...

Island Wide Aviation Art Competition - 2024

15 அக்டோபர் 2024

Closing date 07th November 2024

Requirements for issuance of Air Traffic Controllers Licence:-

1. Age not less than 21 years
2. CAASL Class III Medical Certificate
3. Successful completion of ATC Training
4. Employment with AASL as ATC
5. English Language Proficiency. (ELPC Level 4 or higher)
6. Successful completion of ATC Examination and Rating Assessment Tests
7. Request letter from HANS, AASL to issue the Licence

Procedure for the Application

  • Register with the computerized Licensing System through www.caa.lk
  • Create the user profile
  • Submit the ATC Licence issuance application form

Attach the following documents to the application and produce originals of the same for verification
1. Confirmation letter from AASL with the date of appointment
2. Training course completion certificate
3. Details of Training Course
4. On-the-Job training Assessment reports & records
5. Rating Assessment Reports
6. Recommendation letter from Head of Air Navigation Services, AASL
7. Rating Test Results
8. Copy of the Birth Certificate
9. Copy of the ID card or Passport
10. 2 Stamp size colour photos

- If you need any assistance to create the profile or add new application, press the “Help” button.
- Make the relevant payment to commence the process of evaluation of the application.

Application will not be processed unless the applicant produce all required original certificates /documents to TOPL section of CAASL and make the relevant payments.

Application/Document submission time: 9.00 am – 12.30 pm Document Collection time: 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

More detailed requirements can be found in Implementing Standard 55 and SLCAP 3060.

Click here for frequently asked questions on ATC Licence.


Requirements for Renewal/Reactivation of Air Traffic Controller Licence:-

i. If the Date of renewal is not lapsed

1. Medical fitness (hold a current class 3 Medical Certificate)

2. Current English Language Proficiency. (Level 4 or higher)

3. Recent Experience (Recency) as per paragraph 5.1(ii) of IS 055.

4. Knowledge as per as per paragraph 5.1(iii) of IS 055 5. Competency as per paragraph

5.1(iv) of IS 055

6. Submit an application form of “Renewal of Air Traffic Controller Licence” through the computerized Licensing System

7. Relevant fee (Normal Renewal Fee)

8. English Language Proficiency. (Level 4 or higher)

ii. If the Date of renewal is lapsed

1. Medical fitness (hold a current class 3 Medical Certificate)

2. Current English Language Proficiency. (Level 4 or higher)

3. Knowledge as per as per paragraph 5.1(iii) of IS 055

4. Competency as per paragraph 5.1(iv) of IS 055

5. Who has not exercised the privileges of a rating on his licence at least for 40 hrs in a period of six months shall be required to regain competency in the following manner. When the lapsed period, from the last date of exercising the privileges of that rating, is

i) More than 01 month but less than 02 months:- Shall satisfactorily complete 10 OJT sessions under the supervision of an appropriately rated OJT instructor in a period of 02 weeks

ii) More than 02 months but less than 03 months :- Shall satisfactorily complete 15 OJT sessions under the supervision of an appropriately rated OJT instructor in a period of 03 weeks

iii) More than 03 months but less than 06 months:- Shall satisfactorily complete 20 OJT sessions under the supervision of an appropriately rated OJT instructor in a period of 01 month and competency assessment by a panel appointed as per Manual SLCAP 3060.

iv) Over 06 months:- Equivalent to a new issuance of a rating.

6. Submit an application form of “Renewal of Air Traffic Controller Licence” through the computerized Licensing System.

7. Relevant fee (Reactivation Fee)

Procedure for the Application

  • Register with the computerized Licensing System through www.caa.lk
  • Create the user profile (if user profile has not been created) and add the ATC Renewal application form.
  • Submit Application for Medical Examination & renewal of ELPC Level
  • Undergo Medical Examination with a CAA Medical Examiner and obtain Class 3 Medical Certificate
  • If the licence is lapsed, complete ii. 3-5
  • Appear for ELPC test and have an English Language Proficiency. (Level 4 or higher)
  • Visit the Personnel Licensing Section with the original documents and make the relevant payment to commence the process of evaluation of the application.

Attach the following documents to the application and produce originals of the same for verification

1. For i. – Dully completed application form (CAA/PL/R/07) certified by Head of Air Navigational Services (HANS) to prove i.3,4,5

2. For ii. - Dully completed application form (CAA/PL/R/07) certified by Head of Air Navigation services and OJT report issued by Head Of Air Navigational Services and Assessment Report issued in accordance with ii.5

- If you need any assistance to create the profile or add new application, press the “Help” button.

- Make the relevant payment to commence the process of evaluation of the application.

Application will not be processed unless the applicant produce all required original certificates /documents to TOPL section of CAASL and make the relevant payments.

Application/Document submission time: 9.00 am – 12.30 pm

Document Collection time: 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

More detailed requirements can be found in Implementing Standard 55 and SLCAP 3060

Click here for frequently asked questions on ATC Licence.


Requirements for Issuance of Air Traffic Control Rating:-

1. Age not less than 21 years.

2. Employment with AASL as ATC

3. Holder of a valid ATC licence

4. Successfully completion of Rating Course & skill test

5. Request letter from AASL to issue the ATC rating.

Procedure for the Application

  • Register with the computerized Licensing System through www.caa.lk
  • Submit duly completed application No. CAA/PL/1/17 through the computerized licensing system
  • Follow relevant OJT programme with the organization you are employed.
  • Undergo skill test under the approved panel of examiners by DGCA.
  • Obtain knowledge as required by para 3.2.1 of IS 055 and be familiar with all pertinent and current information.
  • Submit documents in proof of experience as required para of 3.2.2 of IS 055.
  • Submit proof that the training was under the supervision of an appropriately rated ATC
  • Prove that the training is within the six months immediately preceding the application

Attach the following documents to the application and produce originals of the same for verification

1. Training course completion certificate

2. Details of Training Course

3. On-the-Job training Assessment reports & records

4. Rating Assessment Reports

5. Rating Test Results

6. Recommendation Letter from HANS

- If you need any assistance to create the profile or add new application, press the “Help” button.

- Make the relevant payment to commence the process of evaluation of the application.

Application will not be processed unless the applicant produce all required original certificates /documents to TOPL section of CAASL and make the relevant payments.

Application/Document submission time: 9.00 am – 12.30 pm

Document Collection time: 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

More detailed requirements can be found in Implementing Standard 55 and SLCAP 3060

Click here for frequently asked questions on ATC Licence.