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59th Asia Pacific DGCA Conference

22 அக்டோபர் 2024

The 59th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)...

Island Wide Aviation Art Competition - 2024

15 அக்டோபர் 2024

Closing date 07th November 2024

Today the 01st June marks the 75 years of Sri Lanka becoming a signatory to the International Civil Aviation Convention” commonly  known as the “Chicago Convention”.

The 02nd World War was a powerful catalyst through for the technical -development of airplanes, a vast passenger and freight carriage was set up during this period for air transportation in the global network.

In the year 1944, United States realizing the necessity for Civil Aviation networking has invited 55 nations to attend the Chicago convention, 52 nations has signed the Convention on 07th December 1944.

Subsequent to the Convention to ICAO,  a specialized agency of the United Nations was establish in 1947 with  a mandate to help to achieve the highest possible degree of the uniformity in Civil Aviation regulations, standards and procedures, organization.

At the occasion 75 years of becoming a signatory to Chicago convention, the Director General of Civil Aviation P. A. Jayakantha says the it was just a week ago the ICAO reaffirmed Sri Lanka flying high with its Aviation Security Systems and Oversight capability in conformity with Annex 17 (Aviation Security SARPS)) and that of this relevant security standerds Annex 09 – Facilitation.

On completion of the Universal Security Audit Programme (Continuous Monitoring Approach) in Sri Lanka he also predicted excellence in tis performances at the upcoming universal safety audit programme

Looking back for the 75 years pass by, the DGCA remembering all aviators and those connected with aviation regulatory and industry, the support and the services they have extended has made what the civil Aviation today and the anticipated growth in the near future

He concluded, the Safety and Security is first and priority the most for air transport operations in Sri Lanka.